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5 Ways to Enrich Your Life

The most precious thing we all have in common is health. Second has got to be time! The statistics on how many hours the average person spends scrolling and consuming social media is staggering. From 2 hours for older demographics to up to 9 hours for teenagers and that does not include “binging on Netflix” or watching the news.

We can reclaim our lives, hearts and minds. I have made a serious effort to consume soul enriching, mind expanding and fascinating content. Many people ask me about where I learn so much on so many diverse topics. Here are a few of my favorites!

Hope you enjoy exploring these great resources..

1. Curiosity Stream

This streaming video service is full of documentaries on many amazing topics. “Whether you want to learn about nature, chemistry, geology or astrophysics, Curiosity Stream has something to expand your mind. Deep Time History, which combines astronomy with world history.”

There is no better way to spend time than enriching your mind, opening your world and learning about new possibilities. as low as $2.99 a month

2. Gaia

A streaming service with the world’s leading experts in wellness, mindset, spiritual seekers and even many far out topics. There are some shows on past lives or UFOs that don’t interest me but the majority are about alternative wellness, meditation and practices to improve our lives.

My two favorite shows are Rewired with Dr. Joe Dispenza, Missing Links with Gregg Braden and Open Minds with Regina Meredith. So much to learn, so many people pursuing ways to make the world a better place. I upgraded to the $299 a year plan because I want absolutely all the content but you can get it for $11.99 a month. as low as $11.99 a month

3. Wondrium

This is a treasure trove of courses from the best teachers in the world. “Lessons and lecture formats led by a professor or subject-matter expert that educate, engage, and entertain on a wide variety of topics.” If you want to learn just about anything from linguistics, geology, board games of the ancient world to writing skills and more. We are living in an age of information where we can learn and expand our minds.

Wondrium used to be called The Great Courses where I learned how to listen and appreciate classical music and fine art. It has something for everyone.

There is a free trial and I selected the one for $15 a month. Take a look.

4. Futureloop

This newsletter focuses on the latest and most interesting innovations in the world. It is free and curated by the Founder of the X Prize, Peter Diamandis. Peter wanted to offer an alternative to the 90% negative mainstream media (which he does not watch or read). Futureloop is the best of what the world’s innovators are working on to connect us and enhance longevity and the quality of life. Connect to the greatest minds in this one newsletter, get inspired daily.

5. Audible

This is the audio book service from Amazon. Of course I love it because my book “The Balance Between Hustle & Flow” is offered there. But, more importantly, I have been a customer for years. Listening to books on audio has allowed me to “read” or enjoy over 130 books in the last few years. Many times the books are read by the authors, providing an excellent insight and experience. When I want to gain insight into a new field, I simply do a little research on the top experts and authors.

Undoubtedly they offer books on Audible. A subscription includes a commitment to one book per month. At the very least, one book a month will keep your mind and neural pathways fresh and active. I listen in the car, while walking, waiting in line or traveling. This has been a game changer for learning new things. One of the best $14.95 investments a month that anyone can make.

I would love to hear about your favorite sites, services and resources to stay relevant, engaged and inspired. Please email me at

Here’s to your extraordinary life.

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